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gpgmepp C++ bindings/wrapper for gpgme
gpshell Shell to manage the contents of GlobalPlatform smart cards
gsasl GNU implementation of the Simple Authentication and Security Layer
gss GNU Generic Security Service Library
guardtime Command line client for GuardTime keyless signature service
hackbot Vulnerability scanner written in Perl
hashcash Hash collision based postage stamp
heimdal Kerberos 5 implementation
heirloom-su Collection of standard Unix utilities (su)
HElib Homeomorphic Encryption library
hitch High performance SSL/TLS proxy
honeyd Small daemon that creates virtual hosts on a network
honeyd-arpd ARP daemon for honeyd
hs-cryptohash-sha256 Fast, pure and practical SHA-256 implementation
hs-cryptonite Cryptography Primitives sink
hs-digest Various cryptographic hashes for bytestrings; CRC32 and Adler32
hs-ed25519 Ed25519 cryptographic signatures
hs-hackage-security Hackage security library
hs-pem Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer
hs-SHA Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions
hs-tls TLS/SSL protocol native implementation (Server and Client)
hs-x509 X509 reader and writer
hs-x509-store X.509 collection accessing and storing methods
hs-x509-system Handle per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage
hs-x509-validation X.509 Certificate and CRL validation
hydan Steganography tool for covert comms, signing and watermarking
hydra Login password cracker
ike-scan Fingerprinting IKE implementation
ipsec-tools IPsec-tools racoon IKE daemon
ipv6-toolkit IPv6 security assessment and troubleshooting tool
isakmpd OpenBSD IKE daemon
jessie GPL implementation of the Java Secure Sockets Extension
john Unix Password Cracker
kauth Abstraction to system policy and authentication features
kdesu Integration with su for elevated privileges
KeePass Free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use password manager
keepassxc Password generator and manager
keychain Nice ssh-agent front-end
kgpg KDE encryption tool
knc Kerberised NetCat
kpcli Command line interface to KeePass password safes
kstart Kerberos v5 kinit daemon that uses keytabs
kwallet Secure and unified container for user passwords
kwalletmanager KDE wallet manager
lasso Liberty Alliance Single Sign On implementation
lastpass-cli Command line interface to
libassuan2 IPC library used by some of the other GnuPG related packages
libb2 C library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp
libbf Blowfish block cipher library
libcrack Password checking library
libcurvecpr Uses elliptic-curve cryptography to encrypt and authenticate data
libdecaf Implementation of Ed448-Goldilocks elliptic curve for cryptography
libdes Small DES (Data Encryption Standard) lib & standalone program
libfprint Fingerprint reader access library
libfwbuilder Firewall Builder API
libgcrypt GNU cryptographic library
libgfshare Library to implement Shamir's secret sharing scheme
libglobalplatform C library for managing GlobalPlatform smart card contents
libgnome-keyring GNOME password and secret manager
libgpg-error Definitions of common error values for all GnuPG components
libguardtime GuardTime Client C SDK
libidea IDEA block cipher library
libident Small library to interface to the ident protocol server (rfc1413)
libksba X.509 library
libmcrypt Crypto algorithms library
libmerkletree Calculate and verify Merkle tree digests
libmultigest Multiple, concatenated digest value calculation library
libnetpgpverify PGP and ssh signature verification library
liboauth Embeddable oauth 1.0 implementation
libp11 Convenience library for easy PKCS#11 implementation
libpbc Pair-based cryptographic library based on Gap Diffie Helman groups
libprelude LibPrelude libraries and c++ easy bindings
libprelude-lua Lua bindings to LibPrelude
libprelude-perl Perl bindings to LibPrelude
libprelude-python Python bindings to LibPrelude
libpreludedb Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts
libpreludedb-mysql Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts
libpreludedb-perl Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts
libpreludedb-pgsql Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts
libpreludedb-python Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts
libpreludedb-sqlite3 Provides an interface to the database used to store IDMEF alerts
libressl Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries and tools
libsecret GObject based library for accessing the Secret Service API
libsodium Library for build higher-level cryptographic tools
libssh SSHv2+v1 protocol library
libssh2 SSH2 protocol library
libstark Library for succinct non-interactive zero knowledge proofs
libtasn1 ASN.1 structure parser library
libtcpa TCPA libraries and test programs from IBM
libtomcrypt Tom St Denis's cryptographic library
libykneomgr Yubikey NEO C library and command-line tool
libyubikey Yubikey library
log2timeline Framework for automatic creation of a super timeline
logcheck Auditing tool for system logs on Unix boxes
lsh SSH2 client/server
lua-sec Lua binding for OpenSSL library
lynis Perform security health scans for Linux, macOS, and Unix
mate-polkit MATE desktop environment Authentication Agent for PolicyKit
mbedtls Lightweight, modular cryptographic and SSL/TLS library
mcrypt Replacement to crypt(1), supports many crypto algorithms